Play-Doh Sweet Shoppe Frosting Fun Bakery Playset

Top Customer Reviews

Get Prepared To Be Annoyed  By Randi Morse 

The Play-Doh Sweet Shoppe Bakery Playset promises to allow kids to make delicious looking play-doh treats with frosting on them, but does it really live up to the expectations that it sets?


-The kit is easy to assemble. It does come in pieces but even my 8 year old daughter was able to put it together fairly easily.
-The accessories are fun. They have many different accessories, including a plate, knife, fork, and a serving knife.
-Excellent use of space. One thing that Play-Doh does well is to make the most of the space each toy has. With this kit they've put all sorts of different little molds all around the kit, including underneath storage areas. Nicely done Play-Doh!
-Play-Doh Plus - with this kit Play-Doh is focusing on their newest concoction: Play-Doh Plus! Play-Doh Plus is exactly like regular Play-Doh only it is much softer. When I first handled it I immediately thought of a soft sugar cookie dough, and my daughter agreed. It is, however, a bit stickier than regular Play-Doh.


-CLEAN UP! The clean up stinks! I know the clean up for almost any Play-Doh toy is annoying, but this one was particularly bad. The extruder was the most annoying to clean out - not only did you have to clean out the large plastic piece and the replaceable tip, you also had to clean out the plunger and because it's twisted inside we had to use a toothpick :(.
-It definitely doesn't work as advertised. The instructions tell you to place the treat you've made under the extruder and to press down. We did and yes, we got some Play-Doh out but in no way were we able to turn the little table to get the "frosting" on the outside of the cake. The only way we could do that was to take the extruder out and to manually do it.
-The extruder would be very hard for a young child to push down. My 8 year old had to struggle with it for a few minutes before being able to do it, so I have no idea how a 3 or 4 year old could do it!


While I loved the idea of this set, and my daughter was looking forward to playing with it, both of us walked away from our play time disappointed. Play-Doh needs to figure out how to make things that younger children can easily use and that can be cleaned up a LOT easier than this one was!!

Play-doh never goes out of style By Catrinka

Play-doh has sure been around forever; and even way back in my childhood, we had the "extruder" sets with the sliding bar to make different shapes. Loved them then...but, boy, have they jazzed up their extruder playsets over the years. I bought this one on sale at a local big-box discount store for a friend's child. 

 She loved it and spent lots of time making and decorating various cakes and cookies and then slicing us all samples to pretend "eat." It's a great combination of good, squishy Play-doh fun along with making your own delectable-looking "desserts." You can cut out your cake or cookie shape with regular Play-doh; but I recommend sticking with the Play-Doh Plus for decorating your pretend treats. It's softer and makes it much easier to form the swirls, flowers, etc. on top of your masterpieces. 

Great idea, could use some real world feedback on design By K. Miller

So I get the feeling that if this had ever gone home with one of the Play-Doh design engineers for a week it would have gotten a major rework prior to release. The idea is great and it works so-so for the kids but most everything the parents care about could use some work!

Kids love the idea of this set!

The play-doh is hard to use with the set though... it's hard to get even close the results on the box. The extruder is difficult for me to use effectively and my kids just get frustrated really easily with it not working for them.

This play-doh seems to mix more easily than most sets, which works great for the first pressing and the second when the kids think rainbow colors are cool, but after that it's just a mess.

Speaking of mess it's almost impossible to clean until after the play-doh has dried in the cracks and can be shaken out.

and finally... IT WON'T GO BACK IN THE BOX?!?!? I have this large play-doh toy that doesn't go back in the box and doesn't compact or fold up any or hold all of it's own parts to sit in the closet? Huh?!?! Who thought about that one?

All in all this is great the first time you set it up and then it goes down hill in a hurry. I don't recommend it. 

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